Children's Therapy
Your child is an amazing individual with their own strengths and challenges. We would love to work with you to build on their skills and maximise their engagement in all areas of their life. Our aim is to quickly form a therapeutic bond with your child and we firmly believe that therapy should be fun as well as purposeful. We are able to work with children with a variety of simple or complex conditions including Cerebral Palsy, Sensory Processing Disorder, Developmental Delay, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, perceptual dysfunction, Autism, chromosome disorders or syndromes. We are also happy to work with children who have no formal diagnosis but are having difficulty managing daily activities.
What can Occupational Therapy do for my child?
Does your child have difficulty with ball skills and coordination?
Do they find it difficult to get involved in team games?
Do they have difficulty organising themselves in daily tasks?
These difficulties can make social play difficult as they may feel awkward and lack confidence. We can provide an individualised therapy programme to develop strength, skills and confidence.


Does your child struggle to write clearly or quickly enough to keep up with peers?
Do they struggle to hold a pencil?
Do they have difficulty organising their work on the page?
Handwriting is an essential skill for your child. If they are having difficulty creating legible writing or writing quickly enough to keep up with their peers, it can be difficult for them to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Following a comprehensive assessment we can provide you with an individualised treatment programme aimed at increasing your child's pencil control and writing fluency. Where handwriting isn’t an option we are able to offer assessment to recommend the right technology to enable your child to access alternative recording methods.
Sensory Processing
Does your child have difficulty in concentrating and keeping still?
Is your child 'on the go' all the time?
Do they often bump into things or fall over?
Do they have strong preferences or dislikes for certain types of sensation e.g movement, touch?
Do they have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep?
All these behaviours may indicate difficulties with sensory processing. These difficulties can have a huge impact on their ability to attend to instructions and concentrate in class. We can plan a programme of sensory strategies specifically tailored to help your child make the most of their skills and improve performance at school.
Does your child have difficulty fastening buttons and zips and tying shoelaces?
Would you like them to become more independent but are struggling for a way to teach them?
Do they have difficulty with sequencing tasks?
We can advise on strategies to develop independence and work with them to develop their skills.
Developmental Delay
Does your child show signs of delayed development?
Are they slower to reach their milestones such as rolling, sitting and crawling?
Is their play repetitive and lacking in imagination?
It can be difficult to know how to support them and what to expect as they grow. We are able to offer advice on next steps developmentally and show you how to support them and provide opportunities to encourage development.
Postural Support
Does your child have a neurological condition affecting their ability to control and use their body effectively?
Do they require specialist positioning equipment?
We are able to assess function and provide 1:1 targeted intervention to develop their physical skills and can advise on suitable equipment to manage their positioning both day and night.